Products & Catalog

Where can I find the specifications of each product (measurements, material …)?

You can find more precise information by clicking on the “MEASURES” and “MATERIALS” tabS on the product page of each item. We always try to give you precise and accurate information, but our site offers a wide range of products and it may happen that very detailed information has not been included. If you don’t find the information, please contact our Customer Service.

Where are the sizes in inches?

Sizes on the product page are listed both in inches and centimeters. To see them, please click the “MEASURES” tab under the image of the product.

What is a model number and what is it for?

A model number code is a sequence of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies an item. You can find a model number on the product page under the title.

Please communicate the model number to our Customer Service to request more information on an item of your interest or placed in an order.

Selling price and currencies

The sale prices on are expressed in US dollars ($) or Euros (€). VAT is included where applicable, and additional charges (taxes and customs fees) may be applied by the country of destination.

Holyart reserves the right to change prices at any time but equally undertakes to always apply competitive prices consistent with the characteristics of related products. In the event of a display of a wrong and/or manifestly negligible price, for any reason (computer bug, manual error, technical error, etc.), Holyart reserves the right to cancel the order, even in the event of initial confirmation.

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